Building a business using Facebook may seem daunting, but let me give you a few facts before you look away and think it’s not for you. The figures are astounding and personally I think any business owner would be missing out big time without using facebook to leverage their business.
Facts about Facebook
- 1.26 Billion Total number of Facebook Users
- 757 Million users on Facebook every day
- 24 Million users from the UK are active on Facebook every day
- 128 Million users from the US are active on Facebook every day
- 4.5 Billion likes on average are shared every day
- 17 Billion location tags facebook posts are created every day
- 20 Minutes is the average time per visit each user spends on facebook
- 351 Minutes is the average monthly time each user spends on Facebook from a desktop
- 914 minutes is the average monthly time each user spends on Facebook from a mobile
- 40% of users check their facebook multiple times throughout the day
- 40 is the average number of pages a facebook user likes.
Now if that isn’t enough to get you thinking about whether Facebook is exciting for your business, then I don’t know what will!!
Reasons why people don’t want to do it.
- Lack of time
- Don’t know how to get started.
- Have heard that it costs a lot in advertising to get your name out there.
- Are technically challenged and think that it’s too difficult to begin with
However it’s fair to say that most people are on facebook, so if you can post and share, then you can absolutely have a facebook business page. Even if you’re not on Facebook then why not just sign up and start a personal profile to get a feel for it? It can’t be that bad right?
Personal Profiles Vs Business Profiles
This has to be one of the biggest questions / fears that I get from clients. Why can’t I use my personal profile to promote my business. Why do I need a business page? Firstly, if Facebook finds out that you’re using your personal profile to advertise your business, you could face having your profile shut down. Secondly, there are so many amazing features and benefits of having a business page that you would be daft not to take up the functionality that it can offer.
You can create adverts, competitions, Email sign up forms, Create amazing cover photos and have call to actions all within your business page, you can’t do any of this from a personal profile.
So to spell it out, Personal Profiles are for you and your FRIENDS…. Business pages are for your FANS / Customers.
So if you’re geared up and want to create your first Facebook page, then I’ve got the perfect tutorial for you. Below I show you how to create your page in a very simple, non technical way.
Don’t forget to leave a comment below, I”d love to hear your thoughts or questions on this post.