I wanted to touch upon a subject that I think is so vital when you’re starting up in business. Having an accountability buddy. In the thick of your big to do list and everything else there’s nothing worse than getting so lost that you don’t know where to even begin.
You have these great big ideas, you’ve talked the talk, you’ve procrastinated so many times about your ideas that you’ve moved onto the next good idea, procrastinated about that and then done a full circle to be back to square one….. no idea…. nothing completed.
That’s why I can’t recommend enough having yourself a business buddy.
How did I find my Business Buddy?
I belong to a couple of facebook groups, that are mainly made up of women. One group is full of women entrepreneurs, who are fabulous. But in the hype of seeing everyone’s actions of this new ebook, or this new course that they’ve created, it’s easy to let youself get dragged into the “They’re stuff looks so good, maybe mine wont be good enough” team.
My buddy, Karen, showed up at just the right moment. Even though she lives on the complete opposite side of the world from me, we skype each other once a week to chat about what we’re up to in business. We bonded straight away on our first meeting, laughing at how similar we both thought about our processes of business and how we are so passionate about making things work.
Karen has a real grounding presence about her, exactly what I need, with an amazing sense of humour. But more importantly she keeps me accountable for everything that I’m going to achieve that week. Funny enough that means more to me to not let her down with my actions than it does letting myself down, purely because if I break the chain of our accountability pact, it’s twice as hard to keep up with the momentum.
We both share our struggles and each one of us gives the other something positive out of what’s not gone so right. We laugh, we swear, we feel better at the end of our call. I have someone that I know understands and can relate to the stress, frustration and excitement that you experience when you are growing your own business.
How to find YOUR Business Buddy
I encourage all of you to go and find a buddy, preferably someone who’s in the same boat as you. Go and join a group, there are plenty of them on Facebook. Simply pop into the search bar of Facebook:
Groups about ____________ and fill in the blank. Either with small businessses, entrepreneurship, business. Whatever your niche is, you’ll find a group you can relate to.
Or find a forum that interests you and see if there’s anyone you connect with on there.
Lastly if none of those options appeal to you, then why not ask a trusted friend or relative to be your accountability partner, someone who will listen well and give wise advise where necessary.
Let me know how you get on, would love to hear your experience on this.